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Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

Agentschap Facilitair Bedrijf

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

The Herman Teirlinck building is the newest building of the Flemish Government, and houses a number of Flemish governmental organizations, good for 2600 employees. The building itself is very advanced when it comes to sustainability and accessibility, well-being and comfort.

On Open Bedrijvendag, the Open Company Day, we wanted to give the people a high-tech, behind the scenes look at some of the features that are making this happen, with the use of augmented reality and 3D animations.

Look through walls, stand, and look around on the top of the roof, see how the passive cooling and heating work and walk around entire floors in virtual and augmented reality.

3D animated holographic display

In the main street of this functional building, where most people start their tour, we grabbed the attention of the visitor with a quite futuristic holographic cube that displayed a 3D-animation of the building. This is also where we invited them to install Augmented Routes, our AR platform that hosts the content.

Augmented Routes

Augmented Routes is our platform that links AR, VR, 360 and other content to locations.

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

At every content location, visitors are invited to install the app and experience the content.

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

Scannable AR markers are spread throughout the building.

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

The marker triggers an AR experience, a wall comes crumbling down.

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

Take a peek through the wall at the cooling installations! Move around to see around the floor.

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

Look around on the roof in 360 degrees to see the solar panels and the magnificent views!

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

Markers are spread throughout the rooms of the building indicating there are cool things to discover!

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

Step through the augmented reality portal and walk around the ventilation floors, scanned to 3D using photogrammetry.

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

3D animation explaining the passive cooling in winter and summer.

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

An interactive view on passive cooling.

3D animations

The content isn’t stuck in the application, models are easily re-used for 3D animations for displays with smooth voice-overs.

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

Augmented Routes content management platform

Thanks to the content management platform, the organizer of the event is able to

  • Create points of interest on multiple floors
  • Add triggers like geo locations or tags
  • Add content in augmented reality, virtual reality, 360 content, text, audio or video

And after the event?

We created a virtual tour of the building so it can be visited 365/24/7 from anywhere in the world!

Herman Teirlinck building in mixed reality

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